
Alpine Bank supports AmeriTowne Across Colorado

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

When Young AmeriTowne goes On the Road to communities like Durango and Grand Junction, we rely on community support to make the program possible.  For the last four years, a valuable partner in this work has been Alpine Bank. According to its website, Alpine Bank’s commitment to community investment began with the opening of its first branch in Carbondale in …


Sponsor Spotlight: Learning eCommerce thanks to Colorado Container Corporation

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

  Young AmeriTowne provides a real-life learning experience for students throughout Colorado.  Thanks to the Rollie R. Kelley Family Foundation, part of this experience includes ecommerce—students can purchase a cardboard briefcase “online” that will be delivered to them in their shop. One of the most popular items to buy in Young AmeriTowne, briefcases are generously donated to Young Americans Center …


First Year Teacher Back After a Decade Calls Young AmeriTowne “Most Fruitful of All Life-Skills Lessons”

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Katie Cawley was the College President when she and her 5th grade classmates ran Young AmeriTowne more than a decade ago. This spring, she was back in Towne, excited and feeling “so fortunate for my own students to have this powerful program.” Katie, a first year teacher at St. Mary’s in Littleton, still has her Young AmeriTowne checkbook.  And she’s grateful …


Sponsor Spotlight – Real Car, Real Learning in AmeriTowne Thanks to Schomp

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Hands-on, real-life experience is the foundation for all learning that takes place at Young Americans Center for Financial Education.  A job at the Schomp Automotive Parts and Service Shop at Young AmeriTowne means that students learn about their role in a town’s economy while repairing a real car. All students in AmeriTowne are employees.  Each shop requires at least three …

Patty Salazar and Rich Martinez with AmeriTowne students from Black Forest Elementary.

AmeriTowne Students meet Government Official

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young AmeriTowne citizens from Black Forest Hills Elementary, a Cherry Creek School, met Patty Salazar last Friday.  Ms. Salazar is the State Bank and Financial Services Commissioner who works for the Department of Regulatory Agencies or DORA. Addressing the students, Ms. Salazar said that her job is to make sure that banks and credit unions in the state follow the law because, …

AmeriTowne Newspaper Team

Sponsor Spotlight: The Denver Post Provides Real Journalism Experience

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education is all about hands-on real-life learning.  In the Young AmeriTowne Newspaper shops in Denver and Belmar, long-time partner The Denver Post ensures this learning is as real as it can get! Students working at the Newspaper they create a four-page paper every day.  The Editor works with the Ad Agents to design the layout …


Sponsor Spotlight: Alameda Gateway challenges students to build a vibrant community

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Why is community important? Through Young AmeriTowne, a hands-on lesson in free enterprise, fifth graders discover that communities provide resources and support for individuals and families.  Plus, they realize that they can impact their community in a positive way.  A valuable partner in this work at Young AmeriTowne in Belmar is proud sponsor Alameda Gateway. By the time students step …


Sponsor Spotlight: CoBank creates self-sufficient young people

Janet Redwine Get Involved Leave a Comment

What is the value of financial education?  Most people agree that better knowledge about financial concepts is a good thing, but what is the actual cost of the alternative? While actual numbers vary, all reports are disconcerting.  The National Financial Educators Council reports that in 2017, the average family lost $1,170.95 due to lack of financial knowledge.  Howard Gold, a …

Creating the OTR newspaper

Tales from Towne: Life Skills for All Types of Learners

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Students from Fletcher Miller School attended Young AmeriTowne On the Road last week, an experience that helped significantly impacted students work towards their unique goals. Fletcher Miller School, a Jefferson County Public School in Lakewood, Colorado, has been working with significantly impacted youth since 1963.  According to its website, the school’s mission is to “provide access to a high-quality education…that …

AmeriTowne volunteers from Fidelity

Sponsor Spotlight: Fidelity gives time, talent, and treasure

Janet Redwine Get Involved, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

As part of their preparation for Young AmeriTowne, students learn that philanthropy means giving one’s time, talent, or treasure to help the public good.  When they become citizens of Young AmeriTowne, students can put this learning into action by donating their personal or business profits to the Donation Station! Volunteers from Fidelity Investments in Colorado helped to reinforce this concept …