
Looking for 52 Donor Friends!

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If you were 10 years old, and your family had no money for “extras,” what would be the best news ever? How about a scholarship to the summer camp of your dreams! For 52 deserving students, the answer is “Yes! There’s a place for you at Jr. Money Matters, Girls Can, Be Your Own Boss, …”  In fact, every camp, …

Investment Accountant in YAT

Sponsor Spotlight: Eide Bailly Provides Real-World Accounting Experience in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Some of the most important people in Young AmeriTowne are the Accountants—students who manage the finances of each shop.  Typically, there are 17 Accountants working each day.  Thanks to proud sponsor Eide Bailly, they get a taste of what being a real Accountant is like! The first accounting lesson for these students takes place at school.  They learn how to …


Sponsor Spotlight: Colorado Public Radio Station Creates a Popular Position in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne 2 Comments

As part of the Young AmeriTowne program, students apply and interview for the jobs they would like to hold.  Year after year, in schools all across the state, by far the most popular choice for students is a position at the Young AmeriTowne Radio Station. One reason for this reputation is that the Radio Station is an exciting work environment.  …


Meet a Board Member: Stephanie Bendrick, Empower Retirement

Janet Redwine General Leave a Comment

This month, we’d like to introduce Young Americans Center for Financial Education Board Member Stephanie Bendrick. As the Vice President of Transformation and Innovation for Empower Retirement, Stephanie works closely with the business, IT and product organizations to implement the Empower enterprise roadmap.  She joined the organization in 1997, and her career at EMPOWER / Great West Financial includes experience in compliance, …


Alpine Bank supports AmeriTowne Across Colorado

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

When Young AmeriTowne goes On the Road to communities like Durango and Grand Junction, we rely on community support to make the program possible.  For the last four years, a valuable partner in this work has been Alpine Bank. According to its website, Alpine Bank’s commitment to community investment began with the opening of its first branch in Carbondale in …


Sponsor Spotlight: Learning eCommerce thanks to Colorado Container Corporation

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

  Young AmeriTowne provides a real-life learning experience for students throughout Colorado.  Thanks to the Rollie R. Kelley Family Foundation, part of this experience includes ecommerce—students can purchase a cardboard briefcase “online” that will be delivered to them in their shop. One of the most popular items to buy in Young AmeriTowne, briefcases are generously donated to Young Americans Center …


First Year Teacher Back After a Decade Calls Young AmeriTowne “Most Fruitful of All Life-Skills Lessons”

Young Americans Center for Financial Education Get Involved Leave a Comment

Katie Cawley was the College President when she and her 5th grade classmates ran Young AmeriTowne more than a decade ago. This spring, she was back in Towne, excited and feeling “so fortunate for my own students to have this powerful program.” Katie, a first year teacher at St. Mary’s in Littleton, still has her Young AmeriTowne checkbook.  And she’s grateful …

Patty Salazar and Rich Martinez with AmeriTowne students from Black Forest Elementary.

AmeriTowne Students meet Government Official

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young AmeriTowne citizens from Black Forest Hills Elementary, a Cherry Creek School, met Patty Salazar last Friday.  Ms. Salazar is the State Bank and Financial Services Commissioner who works for the Department of Regulatory Agencies or DORA. Addressing the students, Ms. Salazar said that her job is to make sure that banks and credit unions in the state follow the law because, …


Learning Much More than Business in YouthBiz StartUp Mini-Camp

Maite Wantwadi YouthBiz Leave a Comment

For many, Spring Break is a time to travel to the beach or go to Disneyland.  But instead, for some aspiring youth entrepreneurs in Denver, Spring Break meant starting a business! From Tuesday, March 27 to Saturday, March 31, YouthBiz teamed up with three Denver Public Libraries to host mini-spring break camps: Pauline Robinson, Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzalez, and Blair-Caldwell.  The youth …

AmeriTowne Newspaper Team

Sponsor Spotlight: The Denver Post Provides Real Journalism Experience

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education is all about hands-on real-life learning.  In the Young AmeriTowne Newspaper shops in Denver and Belmar, long-time partner The Denver Post ensures this learning is as real as it can get! Students working at the Newspaper they create a four-page paper every day.  The Editor works with the Ad Agents to design the layout …