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It is an amazing thing when a student is being challenged at just the right level for growth.
Recently in International Towne we had a memorable group of students. They had the most requirements I have ever seen for one day in International Towne:
- Visit every single country
- Get their passport stamped by every country
- Record a greeting and thank you in the native language of each country
- Complete eight business norms
While students had a full day, they also walked out the door with their heads held high, feeling very confident in their accomplishments.  Middle school is hard—most young people have a lot of activities they are involved in and they are just starting to think about the person they will become.  The key to teaching these students is to challenge them just the right amount, to bring them right to the edge of their comfort zones and inspire learning and growth.
We saw some incredible things as a result of their hard work. Both India and Japan created exemplary videos for their class, showing off great technical skill in both filming and editing. Even our staff wants to save these for the future citizens of International Towne. And, the United Kingdom created an impressive newspaper where students used the max character limit in nearly every article.  This paper will serve as a great reminder of the day, not only for the staff here, but also for anyone who chose to purchase the paper during their visit to International Towne.
The students’ motivation and salesmanship was contagious–they inspired each other to keep up the good work.  It is classes like these that make International Towne shine and show its true potential. The young people learned more than just the definition of a tariff; they gained confidence that will help them throughout their lives.  It is also inspiring for our staff–it makes us love doing what we do here.