The Impact We Make Every Day

Amanda KrischeYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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The Snack Shop in Young AmeriTowne is always a popular hang-out during breaks.

The Snack Shop in Young AmeriTowne is always a popular hang-out during breaks.

Every day I oversee the phenomenal staff members who work with 5th graders coming to Young AmeriTowne.  It never ceases to amaze me how enthusiastic each and every student is.  These students usually only get to come to Young AmeriTowne once, and they have heard about the experience from their older siblings and other students in higher grades at their schools.  The excitement they bring is contagious.

Although our staff constantly tries to make each day a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the students, not everything always goes perfectly.  Sometimes we have things that break or a group that wasn’t quite prepared for what they encounter at Young AmeriTowne.  Other times our staff members end up taking on roles they didn’t expect.

Taking A Step Back

However, it’s important to take a step back and remember that what we are doing really does make a difference.  Here’s a perfect example:

Employees of the TV Station make a commercial to show during the broadcast.

Employees of the TV Station make a commercial to show during the broadcast.

Yesterday we had an elementary school attend Young AmeriTowne in Belmar.  This elementary school experienced a horrific tragedy in the fall, with the loss of one of its students.  The teacher mentioned that it was a very hard semester for them all, dealing with the death of their classmate.  But going through the curriculum and working towards their day at Young AmeriTowne is something that kept them all positive and really helped in the classrooms to keep the students motivated.

The teacher said that this was the best thing that could have happened to those kids at this time.

Every day we make a difference, but this school in particular was especially in need of something to look forward to, something fun — and we provided that for them.

Yes, we hope that kids learn about balancing a check book. And yes, we see them gain confidence in their “real-life” jobs.  But sometimes the difference we are making can’t be put into words.

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