Creative Students Kick Up AmeriTowne WOW for Fellow Citizens

Betsy SklarYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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Best WOW Ideas Come from Students.

Young AmeriTowne has been wowing 5th graders for more than 26 years, and sometimes the best WOW ideas come from a kid.

Last year a ten-year-old photojournalist working in the TV Station taught staff how to edit in iMovie, with transitions between clips, words over the shots and even closing credits in different typefaces! Now every photojournalist learns these professional techniques as part of his or her career-for-a-day experience.  I love that I can share this student’s talents and expand them into a long lasting impact for the on-the-job experience in AmeriTowne.

Watching students take the initiative to accept more responsibility than their job requires is a highlight moment for me.

Community Relations Director at Kiosk
Community Relations Director Going Above and Beyond.

Recently, we had a Community Relations/Parks and Recreation Director who decided to make the city a better place for citizens. She stood next a kiosk just to offer help and worked through her break time assisting students with the different features on the kiosks – checking their bank balance, placing online orders or earning an AmeriTowne dollar by taking our real-time student survey.  She helped more than a few kids to not over draw their accounts!

Police Officer Adopts a New Beat

Another student with a creative bent brought yellow and red Post-It Notes with him for his job as Creative Students Kick Up AmeriTowne WOW for Fellow Citizensa police officer. He used the Post-Its to discourage repeat offenders­. Kind of like in soccer, he gave a yellow warning first, then the next time issued a red warning. Citizens that were arrested one more time were found guilty and had to write a check to Towne hall for their fines.

This is a great idea to meet the needs of teachers who are concerned about their students who often want to be arrested all day long (many for attention). While we have not adopted this young officer’s concept into Towne management, staff is always on the lookout for great ideas from our students!

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