
Sponsor Spotlight: Colorado Community College Shop ready for a new school year

Janet RedwineYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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Stepping into Young AmeriTowne Belmar this fall, students will find an updated College waiting for them!  Thanks to the support of five local community colleges, Arapahoe Community College, Aurora Community College, Community College of Denver, Front Range Community College, and Red Rocks Community College, the shop in AmeriTowne has received a facelift.

A collaborative effort between the five colleges and Young Americans Center, the upgrades are designed to keep the shop exciting and relevant for the more than 12,000 students expected to participate this year.  The freshly-painted walls are decorated with generously donated materials: pennants, posters, and even Frisbees emblazoned with school logos.

Attracting citizens to the College is key for the shop’s five to seven employees, which include a President, Accountant, Career Counselor, and Photographer. While in AmeriTowne, each citizen has the opportunity to receive a free “education” at the College shop.  The course is actually an interactive career finder, designed to help students think about possible future jobs based on their current interests and strengths.

Plus, Citizens have a chance to purchase a laminated ID and a photo at the AmeriTowne College to help commemorate the day in AmeriTowne.  Both purchases help the College earn enough money to pay expenses, including the loan needed to open the shop.  Since the College competes against other shops that sell toys and cookies, a great looking space can help attract visitors.

When the first students of the 2017-18 school year arrive next week, the College Shop is ready for them!

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