Sponsor Spotlight: Community Colleges in Metro Denver

Janet RedwineYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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School might be out for summer, but the Young AmeriTowne College is still working hard to provide a free education to our summer campers!  A visit to the College “shop” gives AmeriTowne citizens a chance to explore future career options.  This is such a great opportunity that we want to highlight the institutions that help make this learning possible at Young AmeriTowne Belmar.

The College at Young AmeriTowne Belmar bears the name of not one, not two, but five different community colleges from the Denver Metro Area :College Sign in Young AmeriTowne

  • Arapahoe Community College
  • Community College of Aurora
  • Community College of Denver
  • Front Range Community College
  • Red Rocks Community College

This group has supported the experiential learning that takes place in Young AmeriTowne since 2013.  In addition to providing posters and graphics, the community colleges have donated uniforms and props to make the shop feel like a real college.  Visitors can wear graduation caps and gowns and can pose for a photo with an actual diploma.  The College Yearbook Photographer posts all photos online in a password-protected area for students, parents and teachers to view back at home.

Paws in JoblandThe colleges also supply the interactive website, “Paws in Jobland,” in which Paws, a cartoon puppy, introduces students to different career paths.  Towne citizens take a brief survey about their interests, and then they watch videos about different jobs in fields appealing to them.  After their session, students receive an ID card to prove they have completed their first college course!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education relies on the support of businesses, individuals and community partners to make our programs successful.  The generosity of these five Colorado community colleges ensures that students visiting Young AmeriTowne have a “real-life” experience in the College shop.  Thank you for your support!!

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