Sponsor Spotlight: Community First Foundation Powers Philanthropy in Young AmeriTowne

Janet RedwineYoung AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

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ISponsor Spotlight: Community First Foundation Powers Philanthropy in Young AmeriTownen this special Thanksgiving edition of our Sponsor Spotlight blog, we have a lot of thanks to give to our long-time partner, Community First Foundation.  Their support allows 5th graders to learn about philanthropy in a real, hands-on way at Young AmeriTowne Belmar, and their Colorado Gives Day initiative celebrates the spirit of philanthropy in Colorado.

Community First Foundation is passionate about uniting the combined power, intelligence, generosity and energy of the community.  As part of this mission, the Foundation hasSponsor Spotlight: Community First Foundation Powers Philanthropy in Young AmeriTowne sponsored Young AmeriTowne for the last 15 years.  After contributing to the campaign to open a second Young AmeriTowne in the west Denver Metro Area, now AmeriTowne Belmar, Community First Foundation currently underwrites the cost of the “donation station” at Young AmeriTowne.  The AmeriTowne curriculum includes lessons on philanthropy, asking students to think about how they can share their time, talents, and treasure with others.  When they arrive at Young AmeriTowne, students have opportunities to donate to make a REAL gift to a REAL Denver Metro nonprofit because Community First Foundation matches each student donation (and the donations of student-run businesses) at 10%.  At the end of the year, each of six charities receives a check from AmeriTowne students.  Last year, AmeriTowne students donated $82,848.85 of their hard-earned AmeriTowne dollars—that’s an average of $2.61 per student attending!

Young Americans Center is also thrilled to be a part of ColoradoGives.org, a year-round, online giving website featuring more than 2,000 Colorado nonprofit organizations. Made possible by Community First Foundation since 2007, ColoradoGives.org also powers Colorado Gives Day, a state-wide movement that celebrates and increases philanthropy in Colorado through online giving.  Although Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 6, you can schedule your donation today.  This year, Community First Foundation and FirstBank are offering a $1 Million Incentive Fund so that your online donation will go even further.

For the first time, youth can participate directly in a kid-friendly twist on Colorado giving!  At Kids for ColoradoGives, young people can donate to their favorite Colorado non-profit and can schedule their own donation for Colorado Gives Day.

Partners like Community First Foundation do so much more than financially support the programs of Young Americans Center.  Allowing students to experience the power of philanthropy “first-hand” means the future of community giving is bright!

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