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Sponsor Spotlight: Career for a Day at the Lutheran Medical Center Shop

Janet Redwine Get Involved, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

One goal of the Young AmeriTowne program is to provide students with hands-on career experience. Thanks to Lutheran Medical Center, fourth and fifth graders who participate in Young AmeriTowne at Belmar can explore a job in the medical field. Just like Lutheran Medical Center in Lakewood, Colorado, the AmeriTowne Medical Center shop works to provide quality patient care and customer service.  …


Beat from the Branch: Find Halloween Treats at the Belmar Boo!

Thuy Carlson Bank, Events Leave a Comment

Yeah! Its sweater weather season, meaning all of our favorite fall traditions should be arriving soon! This year, the Belmar Branch of Young Americans Bank is starting a new tradition: we are super excited to be part of Belmar Boo! It will be held at the Belmar Shopping Plaza (464 South Teller St, Lakewood, CO 80226) from 11am to 2pm.  Come …

The winners and judges of the 2018 Park Burger Competition stand around a huge check of $500

Real-Life Experience in Burger Biz

Janet Redwine YouthBiz 1 Comment

Everyone knows kids are super creative.  So, when Park Burger President Peter Newlin thought about how Denver-area youth could gain real-world experience in the restaurant industry, he thought why not challenge them to create the best burger?  Enter Burger Biz, a collaboration between Young Americans Center for Financial Education’s YouthBiz program and Park Burger restaurants. In the Burger Biz challenge, …

Top Four Q & A for Donors: Your Questions Answered!

Young Americans Center for Financial Education General Leave a Comment

Thank you to all the wonderful donors who give children the gift of financial literacy. Special thanks to those who took time out from your busy schedules to meet with us and share your thoughts. Here’s some of the top questions you’ve had for us this year. Would you like to meet, but couldn’t fit it in? Please call Jody …

Girl Donating in YAT Donation Station

Sponsor Spotlight: Schlessman Family Foundation and Imagination

Janet Redwine Get Involved, Programs, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Bill Daniels, founder of Young Americans Bank once offered this wisdom: “Image a world where people give of themselves simply because they want to.  Not out of a sense of debt.  Or because they want something in return.  No ulterior motives. No feelings of guilt.  Just the desire to give for the sake of giving.  Now, instead of imagining this …


Youth Advise Metro Denver Bank and Nonprofit

Janet Redwine General Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education has announced the names of 17 young adults who will serve on its Youth Advisory Board this school year. Board Members have the opportunity to learn “hands-on” about banking, business and the role of nonprofits in a community while providing valuable advice and insight to Young Americans Bank, the world’s only bank for young …

CCCS reception in YAT

Sponsor Spotlight: The Foundation for Colorado Community Colleges Honored Retiring President Nancy McCallin in Young AmeriTowne

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Community members, friends, Board Members, and many others gathered in Young AmeriTowne last April to honor Dr. Nancy J. McCallin, former President of the Colorado Community College System (CCCS). Young AmeriTowne served as a perfect backdrop for the event as five Colorado community colleges team-up every year to support this hands-on lesson in free enterprise.  Thanks to Arapahoe Community College, …

Young AmeriTowne town square displayed

Sponsor Spotlight: Send-a-School Partners Provide Opportunities for all Students

Janet Redwine Get Involved Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education exists to provide every Colorado student, regardless of background, with the opportunity for effective training in financial literacy and workforce skills. Why is this so important? Research suggests that a basic introduction to financial concepts—saving, credit, banking, and investing—at a young age helps prepare students to be financially responsible adults. This knowledge is particularly beneficial …


Meet a Mentor: Scott Wylie, First Western

Janet Redwine General Leave a Comment

Every year, the Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars business competition pairs three Denver-area business experts with three up-and-coming youth entrepreneurs.  The first mentor we’d like to highlight this year is Scott Wylie, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of First Western. Mr. Wylie has much to offer a budding business person.  He has spent 31 years in the banking and finance industry, founding …


Sponsor Spotlight: Alameda Gateway challenges students to build a vibrant community

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Why is community important? Through Young AmeriTowne, a hands-on lesson in free enterprise, fifth graders discover that communities provide resources and support for individuals and families.  Plus, they realize that they can impact their community in a positive way.  A valuable partner in this work at Young AmeriTowne in Belmar is proud sponsor Alameda Gateway. By the time students step …