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The Branch is opening…
We are just days away from the opening of our very first Young Americans Bank branch. The grand opening will take place on Friday, January 18 and last all day. Why should you attend?  In additional to attending a great party, we have lots of reasons — read on!
Prizes and food and fun – oh my!
The first 100 youth to open an account will receive a free iPod Shuffle. You can open a savings or checking account starting at 11:00am at our branch and you’ll come away with an iPod Shuffle.
Every single kid who walks through the door will get a token worth $5 when they open an account with us. You can use it the day of the opening or save it until you come back to open an account. You can also use the token at our headquarters location to open an account. If you’re under 22, you get a $5 token!
There will be lots of free giveaways, including piggy banks, keychain wallets, calculators and more. And there’s not a limit to take just one – you can have one of everything if you’d like.
The food will be fabulous. Tamales, cupcakes, lemonade, burritos… You will NOT leave hungry!
There will be a scavenger hunt throughout our part of the building. If you answer all the questions correctly, you get a gold $1 coin. Something to hang on to!
We’ll be introducing the Youth Council members at 4:30. These wonderful students have dedicated many hours of their lives recently to help spread the word about the branch opening at tables throughout the community. Meet them at the event and get to know these stellar young people.
We’ll also fill a time capsule with fun things: a newspaper from the day of the grand opening; a list of items and how much they cost in 2013; examples of our collateral; and photos of the staff and Youth Council. At 4:30 we’ll seal the time capsule – not to be opened until 2023.
The rest of the building we’re in, Z Place, is having a Grand Opening party too. You can meet with the staff and volunteers of Clayton Early Learning Center, check out the new DPS Enrollment Office, have a meeting about job placement with the Urban League, tour the new STRIVE Middle School, and lots more.
Had enough reasons? Tell us below, what’s YOUR favorite reason to attend? See you on the 18th!