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Young AmeriTowne and International Towne are unique in providing opportunities for young people to learn about finances in a real world setting. Proud sponsor Vantiv helps to create this real world by providing a practice debit and credit card to every participating student. Thanks to Vantiv, students don’t just read about cards and credit—they actually experience how plastic works.
Vantiv, a payment processing and technology provider, is the largest debit card acquirer in the US! With offices in Denver and Durango, Vantiv is also committed to making a positive impact on communities throughout Colorado.
In early 2016, a Vantiv employee and parent of a 5th-grade AmeriTowne citizen realized that over 37,000 youth a year benefitted from the AmeriTowne and International Towne programs. He saw an opportunity for Vantiv to be a vital part of these powerful programs.
Every day, students use debit cards in AmeriTowne and credit cards in International Towne to purchase goods and services. Students in AmeriTowne are required to deposit some of their earnings into a checking account, so they must use a debit card to spend this money at shops that do not accept checks. Teachers love that using credit cards in International Towne ups the math content, as students’ experience decision making and opportunity cost. Each time-saving credit card purchase means no standing in line to exchange currency, but comes with a fee. Plus, at the end of their day, students keep their cards as souvenirs.
“We’re proud to support such a great organization and program that reaches almost half of the school age children in the Colorado. Financial literacy and an understanding of how technology
In addition to providing payment cards, Vantiv employees donate both time and treasure to nonprofits like Young Americans Center for Financial Education through its VantivGives program. In 2016, Vantiv employees volunteered their time in Young AmeriTowne, International Towne, and AmeriTowne On the Road Durango.
Young Americans Center is grateful for the support of Vantiv. Thanks to Vantiv, 40% of Colorado 5th graders and over 10,400 International Towne participants a year learn how to use credit and debit cards responsibly.