Two girls building a product prototype and looking at a laptop screen for Youthbiz

Sponsor Spotlight: Amica Champions Youth Entrepreneurship

Patricia Wells General, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

Established in 1992, YouthBiz is a leading provider of youth entrepreneurship programs in Colorado. YouthBiz programs are dedicated to helping young people, particularly those who face academic, social and economic barriers, experience business creation opportunities. Through hands-on programs and real-life experiences, young people participate in all levels of entrepreneurship, from learning the basics of developing a business idea to marketing ...
Summer Camp Bankers in Young AmeriTowne are shown holding cash

2021 Summer Camp Policies

Patricia Wells Classes + Camps, General 2 Comments

Young Americans Center for Financial Education 2021 Summer Camp Policies   Thank you for choosing Young Americans Center for Financial Education for your child this summer. We are excited to offer camps and understand there are many questions you may have prior to sending your child. Below you fill find several frequently asked questions as well as other precautionary measures ...
Bank of America Financial Volunteers stand together in Front of Town Hall in Young AmeriTowne

Sponsor Spotlight: BOK Financial Gives Students Tools for Financial Resilience

Patricia Wells International Towne, Programs, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Young Americans Center for Financial Education and its supporters believe high-quality, proven programs in financial education should be available to ALL youth, regardless of socioeconomic background. Unfortunately, several barriers, particularly cost, preclude schools serving low-income Colorado youth from enrolling in the Young AmeriTowne or International Towne program.. This is where Send-a-School comes in. Established in 2004, this initiative, which is …

Sponsor Spotlight Iconography

Sponsor Spotlight: Kroenke Sports Charities Help Youth Understand the Value of Fun

Janet Redwine Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

Sports. The activity and entertainment so many of us are ready to start attending, especially our young ones, is sports. Going to an Avs hockey game, cheering on the Colorado Rapids or Mammouth, donning a Nuggets jersey that matches their parents’–these are all moments that stay with a child for life. These moments, however, cost money and require planning. Here …

Virtual Programs Yellow Iconography

String Theory Clocks Ready for Sales at YouthBiz Spring Marketplace

Anna Leer Events, General, Programs, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

The YouthBiz Spring Marketplace opens tomorrow, Saturday, April 24, and both vendors and staff can’t wait for the shopping to begin!  We caught up  with one of our more successful vendors from the YouthBiz Holiday Marketplace, Chandler Nayman of String Theory Clocks, to learn more about his business, his experience with Marketplace, and his goals for sales. YouthBiz:  Hi Chandler, …

Virtual Programs Yellow Iconography

Where are they now? Catching up with the 2020 Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars Winners

Anna Leer Events, General, Programs, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

The last year has been difficult, but despite the obstacles, many young business owners have demonstrated their true entrepreneurial prowess through adaptability, perseverance, and critical thinking.  The three winners from the 2020 Spotlight on YouthBiz Stars Business Competition are three such business owners who have emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever.  They all have shown increased business acumen, motivation, …

A boy is treated in Children's Hospital at Young AmeriTowne with three others assisting.

Thanks to Children’s Hospital Colorado, Students Understand Financial and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

Betsy Sklar General, Young AmeriTowne Leave a Comment

How important is having a plan? That’s an essential question faced by all social members during the wake and aftermath of this life-changing year.  At Young AmeriTowne, students know the importance of plans – savings plans, budgeting plans and investing plans. They also know financial health means leveraging the planning skills they develop during this engaging educational program to build …

Virtual Programs Yellow Iconography

YouthBiz Spring Marketplace Spotlight: Meet Andrew Kurtz of A Designs!

Anna Leer Classes + Camps, Events, YouthBiz Leave a Comment

Longer days, budding trees, and wet snow all mark the beginning of springtime in Colorado, along with the return of the YouthBiz Spring Marketplace! The YouthBiz Marketplace is a beloved event in the Denver community, providing young entrepreneurs the opportunity to sell their products to a large crowd of interested shoppers looking for unique, handmade products. Last year was the …

International Towne participant writing on a blue form

Sponsor Spotlight: Eide Bailly Brings Finance to Life at Young Americans Center

Betsy Sklar Get Involved, International Towne Leave a Comment

All businesses need to manage their finances to succeed.  The shops in Young AmeriTowne and the countries in International Towne are no different.  Each has revenue and expenses, just like a real business, and each has a student accountant that manages this cash flow to maintain profitability.  Helping bring the Towne experience to life in both programs is proud sponsor Eide …